Comments   7 comments

Posted April 30, 2011 by Gen.anime{snp}

7 responses to “Comments

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  1. hi all cant wait to get this party started!!!

  2. I’m already here. Now what shall we talk upon? String theory, Theory of relativity, and/or any other scientific studies?

    • how the heck you herd of that stuff? yes exactly!! here is corse plan.

      basic astronomy: understanding our place in the cosmos.
      5 installments

      exotic astronomy: black holes quasars and cool astronomical wonders.
      5 installments

      laws of physics: quantom field thoery, general realativity, nuetonian mechanics, and the laws of nature!
      5 installments.

      the multiverse: the landscape, the multiverse, and the many worlds of quantom physics.
      4 installments.

      escaping the universe: our finale fate and how we can avoid it. wormholes, time travel, and the ultimate fate of the universe!

  3. lol ill check this site once in a while=P
    p.s. is the clock pst?

  4. How the heck i’ve heard that? Well lets say I have some smart uncles. So one basic question anyone should know the answer to is: What temperature does standard paper or wood burn in Farenheit (no reaserching it just give your best answer). After that we can speak on the subjuct of PHYSICS!!!!!.

  5. anime.anime.anime.anime.BEST.PAGE.EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS AWESPME DUDE THAT WAS SO AWESOME

  6. you thought so? good ill continue then. you wouldnt believe all the stuff people dont here about!

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